Vincentian Universities and Justice

True to their heritage the three Vincentian universities in the USA continue to be in the forefront of raising consciousness on issues of social justice. St. John’s presents The Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers. DePaul is hosting the 2011 National...

‘We are Egyptians, not Muslims.’

As massive demonstrations moved into their second week in Cairo  the Vatican’s top ambassador Archbishop Fitzgerald said the demonstrations have been remarkably free from religious overtones and that there are many signs of Christians and Muslims working...

What is too big to fail?

Homelessness can and must be ended. But to do so requires a paradigm shift that says that American ideals of basic economic and social justice are too big to fail. It requires saying that we will not tolerate homelessness in America. It requires a commitment to the...

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering – USCCB

This year’s Catholic Social Ministry Gathering theme Protecting Human Life and Dignity: Promoting a Just Economy, observes the 120th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s release of the encyclical “Rerum Novarum.”  The Vincentian Family has been very present in recent...

Social justice teaching needs new vocabulary

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson sees need to make some adjustments in the way he talks about the Church’s social teaching, writes the Catholic News Agency. The Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice has been surprised to find that common terms were misunderstood...