Challenges to Francis’ Vision

Challenges to Francis’ Vision

John L. Allen Jr.  offers thoughts on Challenges to vision of a ‘Poor Church for the Poor’   “How I would like a poor church for the poor,” Francis said. It’s a fitting sentiment for a pope who took his name from Francis of Assisi, a...

Catholic activism on the death penalty

 John L. Allen Jr.  writes a brief dispatch from Denmark on Catholic activism on the death penalty. Rumors of the death of the church’s passion for social justice have been greatly exaggerated, at least to judge by a high-profile international conference in Rome...
Universality of the new Cardinals

Universality of the new Cardinals

John Allen writes, Pope Benedict XVI said he wanted his Nov. 24 consistory, the fifth of his papacy, to express the universality of Catholicism. His choice of six new cardinals from every continent except Europe was designed to convey, as he put it Saturday, that the...