Myths About Online Volunteering (Virtual Volunteering)

Online volunteering means unpaid service that is given via the Internet. It’s a method of volunteering I (Jayne Cravens) have been using, studying, documenting or promoting since 1995, first independently, then with the Virtual Volunteering Project, and then...

More Effective Ways of Serving?

Perhaps those who are poor have discovered something we could use in our service. A NY Times story today about how video conferencing is being used by immigrants to keep in touch with their families in distant lands points the way to how we might conduct some business...

Internet Access, Housing and the Poor

To bridge the digital divide, many publicly funded, new low-income living units are being wired for access, by (Oregon) state directiveMonday, November 22, 2004 KARA BRIGGS Springwater Commons, a new town-house development for the poor in Southeast Portland, has...

Travelers Can Locate Wireless Hot Spots by Zip Code

For the increaing number of travelers with wireless-ready lap tops there is now a site that will identify free and fee wireless access hot spots in any given area of the world.WIRED.COM says “Search our directory to locate wireless service. You can browse by a...