The unsanitized first Christmas…

The unsanitized first Christmas…

The first Christmas. It rattles a marriage. It exiles a family. It endangers lives. And it provokes a madman to murder. The brisk descriptions in the New Testament fail to capture what must have been, for Mary and Joseph and many others, a bewildering, terrifying...
Leave a legacy this Christmas

Leave a legacy this Christmas

No… not money … but reconciliation. Igniter Media offers an insight into the lasting legacy of reconciliation. Resolving any conflict is a hard thing to do well, especially within your own family. Ultimately though, pursuing conflict resolution is an...
Christmas Cards…. images of friends

Christmas Cards…. images of friends

Before You Get Rid of Those Christmas Cards…. Susan Stabile writes, “As I was contemplating putting away all of the Christmas ornaments, I was reminded of the opening of Fr. Rolf Tollefson’s sermon on January 1. He shared that he had been spending time the last...