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    The FAMVIN Digital Network

    famvinThe Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.

    The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.

    Articles from the Famvin News Archive

    Bishops review Cesar Chavez film

    Bishops say Cesar Chavez film shows Catholic social justice According to the Catholic News Agency... Several bishops have praised “Cesar Chavez,” a new movie about the labor rights leader and devout Catholic, for its portrayal of a man whom they say embodied the...

    Blind to the needy, blind to God

    Fourth Sunday of Lent (A), March 30, 2014 – 1 Sam 16, 1b. 6-7. 10-13a; Eph 5, 8-14; Jn 9, 1-41 Light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth (Eph 5, 9) Jesus opens the eyes of the blind.  We are not blind if we believe in Jesus and go about doing...

    NCR celebrates a Sister of Charity of NY

    "Sister's legacy includes 43 years of mission medical care" writes the NCR. “Heaven has gained another saint, right up there with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.” – Father Mike Savelesky Large crowds of native people, two funeral Masses, continuous rosaries, and a two-mile...

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