The FAMVIN Digital Network
The Vincentian Family is a movement made up of more than 160 institutions and some 4,000,000 people who follow Jesus Christ, serving the poor, as did St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac and many other believers who, over the last four centuries, have enriched the Vincentian charism.
The FAMVIN Digital Network serves the Vincentian Family with news, media, formation resources and more. Learn more about who we are and what we offer.
Articles from the Famvin News Archive
Perspectives On Catholic Social MInstiry Meeting in Washington.
by Beth | Oct 30, 2003 | Justice and Peace
Deborah Payne writes...This e-mail gives you a thorough insight into the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington,D.C.Our Society of St Vincent de Paul mid year meeting will be held prior to and in conjunction with this Catholic Gathering [Feb 20,2004-Feb 25,...
Vatican Urges UN To eliminate Third World Debt
by Beth | Oct 29, 2003 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
"International debt is like a disease: If it is not completely cured, it will reappear." That was the message of the Vatican's UN representative to a special committee on Third World debt. NEW YORK, OCT. 27, 2003 ( The Holy See highlighted the consequences...
More on the SSVDP International Assembly – 2003, 2005
by Beth | Oct 28, 2003 | Vincentian Family
Renato Lima gives further details about the International Assembly of the SSVDP.The SSVP's 12th International Plenary Assembly, held in Rome (Italy) between 14 and 19 of October of 2003, made two important decisions. The first one concerns the approval of Part III of...
Daughters of Charity – 185 Years of Service
by Beth | Oct 28, 2003 | Vincentian Family
"We've been celebrating lots of jubilees in the British Province in recent weeks - silver, golden & diamond which means a lot of years of love & commitment. Congratulations to all concerned" writes Maureen TInkler,DC1. Golden Moment in PollokshieldsSr Margaret...
Prayers for Mass of Rosalie Rendu
by Beth | Oct 27, 2003 | Vincentian Family
Tim Williams writes from Sarina, Queensland, (October 26, 2003): Some Vincentians and Daughters of Charity have asked about the Mass Prayers in English for Rosalie Rendu DC who is to be Beatified in November. Information received from the CM General Curia is that for...
UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
by Beth | Oct 27, 2003 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
17th October 2003 - The September 2003 edition of JUST.NOW (newsletter of Vincentian Partnership for Justice) looks at the reality of poverty and its impact on the key areas of life in our society. For the good news and the bad news read on...Poverty the reality........
Spam Eroding People's Trust – Pew Foundation Study
by Beth | Oct 25, 2003 | Social
WASHINGTON (October 22, 2003) -- The recent explosion of email spam is beginning to take its toll on the Internet world. A new nationwide survey shows that 25% of America's email users say they are using email less because of spam. Within that group, most say that...
Love Means Service….To Love Is To Serve
by Beth | Oct 24, 2003 | Vincentian Family
A Reflection by Sr. Barbara DeMoranville, MSBT General Custodian of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity On the Occasion of the Margaret Healy Leadership Assembly of the Missionary Cenacle Apostolate Holy Trinity, Alabama, March 29, 2003 As members of...
Casting an Online Net for Priests and Nuns
by Beth | Oct 24, 2003 | Church
12 to 15 inquiries each week generated by the Los Angeles site ( .org),JOHN KLEIN sold software for a living until one day in 1996 when he went online and suddenly found himself on the road to the seminary. One year later he had left his high-powered...
Christmas Gifts That Help Those Who are Poor
by Beth | Oct 23, 2003 | Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Heifer animals (and training in their care) offer hungry families around the world a way to feed themselves and become self-reliant. Heifer International provides a contemporary way of living out Vincent's approach of giving a "hand-up" rather than a "hand-out". The...