Sept. 2 – Background for Feast of CM ''Blesseds''

Quick leads to background for the September 2 feast of John Henry Gruyer, Pierre-René Rogue and Louis-Joseph François, all members of the Congregation of the Mission. This article also contains correlations between these ‘Holy ones” and the various works...

Vincentian Volunteers in Action – Movie

SOMOPRO= Southeast Missouri Project The movie will automatically begin playing below. Please be patient as it is 10 minutes long and gives a retrospect of what happens on a typical day at SOMOPRO. Warning: The video takes 20 minutes and is a long download....

''Five Faces of Mary'' – Robert Maloney

Reflections for the Feast of the Assumption – “Five Faces of Mary” by Robert P. Maloney, C.M. We know very little about the Virgin Mary, though the little we know is tantalizing. She played, of course, a crucial role in the story of Jesus and has had...

List of Vincentian Bishops

The web site has a list of Bishops who were members of the Congregation of the Mission.In addition to the list the site also contains links to further information about each Bishop...