Honest Prayer in Uncertain TImes

Someone has drawn my attention to a couple of prayer resources that seem particularly appropriate at this time. A World On Its Knees Honest Prayers In Uncertain Times Peace Prayers…From the Heart Ordinary People’s Extraordinary Prayers Scriptural Novenas...

Life of Blessed Frederic on Ozanet.org

To beatify someone does not mean to erect a statue of the person. On the contrary, according to the Latin etymology (beatificare = beatum facere), it means “to make happy”. Indeed, in beatifying Frederic Ozanam, the Church solemnly proclaims in the light...

Vincentian Family Martyrs in the 20th Century

Special issue of Vincentiana devoted to the Vincentian Family Martyrs of the 2oth century. A branch by branch summary of the 20th century martyrs of the Vincentian Family gives us the following statistics: The Congregation of the Mission possesses 81 martyred...

Laity in the Church Today – Jean Landousies, CM

Presentation by Jean Landousies, C.M. Province of Paris at the Vincentian Month 2002 for Advisors of the Vincentian Family held in Paris, ” The title of this presentation covers a vast area: “Laity in the Church Today.” And yet the diversity of your...

Lenten Resources

Amazing collection of Lenten resources ranging from studies through to art and movie resources.A good place to start surfing the web for useful materials. http://www.textweek.com/lent.htm