Vincent de Paul: Living Prayer

Fr. Jean-Pierre Renouard, CM has made available the text of his article “Vincent de Paul: Living Prayer”It can be found on the portion of this site dedicated to the on-going correspondance course on Vincentian SPirituality led by Sr. Elizabeth Charpy, DC...

Want to Know Your Calling?

“Let Humility Be Your Password” – an article by Vie Thorgren, Director of the Vincentian Center for Spirituality and Work, Denver, Colorado “There is one question that I am asked more than any other. “How do I know what God wants me to do...

Resources for Lent

Looking for theological, homiletic, pastoral, artistic resources for reflection on Lent?The web site TEXT WEEK presents an amazing collection of resources. The web site JUSTPEACE has daily reflections on justice and peace based on the readings from the liturgy. For...