Thanksgiving … for everyday!

Thanksgiving … for everyday!

Visitors to this site from United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day Nov. 28, 2013. However, thanksgiving is a universal theme rather than just a holiday in one country.  This video, featuring Brother David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and...

Advent – “entry point into solidarity”

“Hope and renewal are sorely needed in today’s world. The realities of war, violence, poverty, hunger, and injustice all plague us as we live out the Vincentian charism. However, they are not “problems to be solved” but points of entry into solidarity with the...
It is all temporary…

It is all temporary…

Lynn L’Heureux reflects It is all Temporary – Sharing Pain – A Personal Journey – Are you Happy? Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday November 19, 2013 Dear Vincentian Family:  My prayer for all of you is for peace, comfort and joy in your...

Lessons – Pope Francis on laundry duty

A former Jesuit seminarian and former Managing Director of JP Morgan, Chris Lowney  offers insights into Francis’ leadership in this CNN piece When Pope Francis was put on laundry duty. There is much food for thought… and practice here. (CNN) – Every day,...