The apologies of Blessed John Paul II

The apologies of Blessed John Paul II

A Wikiepedia list of apologies made by Blessed John Paul  is currently receiving a lot of attention in the blogosphere. Pope John Paul II made many apologies. During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, victims of...
Time Management in a Year of Faith

Time Management in a Year of Faith writes…”When it comes to our Year of Faith and online evangelization, I am endlessly caught between two assumptions; 1) the Internet can be a wonderful a catalyst for the New Evangelization, and 2), the Internet provides us an outlet...
Two more saints from a state of grace

Two more saints from a state of grace

In a clever headline, “Two More Saints From a State of Grace”, the New York Times points out that more than half the 12 Americans saints are from  the state of New York. Lawrence Downs writes… “When Pope Benedict XVI canonizes seven Catholic...