Our Vincentian Heritage on Thanksgiving

Here are some selections on gratitude from our Vincentian heritage. Abelly, one of Vincent’s early biographers wrote, “He used to say that nothing was so efficacious in winning the heart of God as a spirit of gratitude for his gifts and blessings. In this...

Six calls to Women Religious

Tim Williams, CM of Australia wonders whether they are also calls to the Vincentian Family. Speaking before an international gathering of women religious leaders, Indian theologian, Assumption Sister Rekha M. Chennattu called for a radically new religious paradigm.  ...

Christian (vs. Secular) Service of Others

Occasional famvin contributor, Susan Stabile,  offers perspective on this issue in her Creo en Dios post for today. “First, what we are about is God’s business, not ours. What we do, we do in cooperation with and in support of God’s desire for the world, not our...