250+ bishops to catechize at WYD

250+ bishops to catechize at WYD

More than 250 bishops of different nationalities will develop and deepen the theme of World Youth Day (WYD Rio2013) during three mornings of catechesis. Selected by the Pontifical Council for the Laity (PCL), there will be stationed at a different catechesis location...
Difference between Ramadan and Lent

Difference between Ramadan and Lent

If someone asked you for the difference, how would you answer? Here is part of the answer from the website Aleteia. “What difference is there between the fasting that Muslims and Christians do? Do they bear the same fruit? The Koranic verse referring to fasting...
Thomas Jefferson prays for a nation

Thomas Jefferson prays for a nation

On this celebration of Independence Day we can join with Thomas Jefferson wrote on March 4, 1801… Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to...