Anchor of salvation

Sixth Sunday of Easter (A), May 25, 2014 – Acts 8, 5-8. 14-17; 1 Pt 3, 15-18; Jn 14, 15-21 Ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope (1 Pt 3, 15) Jesus does not leave his own orphans, defenseless. In imitation of the Master, the...

“Eyes on the prize”

Fifth Sunday of Easter (A), May 18, 2014 – Acts 6, 1-7; 1 Pt 2, 4-9; Jn 14, 1-12 To offer spiritual sacrifices (1 Pt 2, 5) The supper Jesus has eagerly desired to eat with his own before his passion is a pledge of fellowship there where Master and disciples will share...

180-degree turn, not 360

Fourth Sunday of Easter (A), May 11, 2014 – Acts 2, 14a. 36-41; 1 Pt 2, 20b-25; Jn 10, 1-10 You have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls (1 Pt 2, 25) There is no salvation outside Jesus. He is the only gate through which we humans enter to abide...

Being well connected

Easter Sunday (A), April 20, 2014 – Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4; Jn 20, 1-9 Think of what is above (Col 3, 2) The least of us has risen from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God.  Now we await his glorious coming and welcoming words, “Come, you who are...