Understanding the piety of the Pope

“In Argentina, they say that if you want to understand the priestly soul of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then you have to know the villas miserias, literally “villas of misery,” meaning the slums in Buenos Aires where the poorest of the poor are found...
What the Cardinals knew when they voted

What the Cardinals knew when they voted

And what we might expect… A fascinating look at Pope Francis’ thought about the Church from a pre-conclave speech given to his then-brother cardinals, has been released with his permission on Radio Vaticana. The following points are from the  Popes own...
Pope confirms affirms stance on sexual abuse

Pope confirms affirms stance on sexual abuse

(Vatican Radio) Below we publish a translation of a communique issued Friday morning by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the...

Pope Makes First Curia Appointment

The AP reports …”Pope Francis on Saturday named a Spanish Franciscan to be the No. 2 at the Vatican’s office for religious orders, his first appointment to the Vatican bureaucracy badly in need of a shakeup. “Jose Rodriguez, who also was...