Stories of Freedom

This week both Canada and the United States celebrate major civic memorials. For summary of Canada celebrations in on of its 135th anniversary visit  the CBC website for Canada Day.  See also Stories of Freedom, a video was created by Igniter Media to celebrate the...

Why we love Dad

From IgniterMedia,  the folks who brought you “A Social Network Christmas”, a 2 minute video on Why we Love Dads. Something to think about as we approach Father’s Day in the United States. “Often, Dads have a powerful impact on our lives. From...

How many times have you failed?

Gain perspective by viewing this inspiring video on persevering no matter how many times you have failed in life. You will be surprised by how many successful people started out as failures.  

In case you missed “Unoticed Moms”

For the past week the featured video in the right margin of famvin page tells a very powerful story of things we don’t notice about Moms and therefore never think to say thank you for. On the home page scroll down until you see the image of the video.