by Beth | Aug 31, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
Preliminary research indicates that there are more than 35 insititutions, residences, etc. of the Vincentian Family in Alabama (11), Louisiana (24) and Mississippi (2).The following branches are affected… Ladies of Charity – 7 Councils St. Vincent de Paul...
by Beth | Aug 31, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
The most up-to-date info is coming from a blog set up by local TV station WWL. The station also has a feed of its live coverage.Live news blog from New Orleans Live video
by Beth | Aug 30, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council has issued an urgent call for disaster funds to immediately send to the Society’s offices in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, for direct aid to the victims of the on-going disaster affecting millions of...
by Beth | Aug 30, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
WASHINGTON, D.C., AUG. 30, 2005 ( The U.S. bishops’ conference announced that a National Collection for Hurricane Relief will be taken up in the 195 Catholic dioceses throughout the country. Bishop William Skylstad, president of the conference, made...
by Beth | Aug 10, 2005 | Disasters and Responses, News
7 months after the Tsunami tragedy in Asia, it is time to get a further update on the Society’s actions. The General Assembly held in Salamanca last month was the occasion to do so; this issue of Asi@news will remind you what has been done so far, at international...
by Beth | Jul 30, 2005 | News
The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC) will co-organise a consultation on the impact of contemporary copyright regulations on creativity, innovation and sharing of resources within the ecumenical movement....