by annaread | Mar 20, 2008 | Evangelization, News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Moving its thrift store to “Antique Row” makes room for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Atlanta, Georgia USA to open a client-choice food pantry as part of its new Family Enrichment Center. Read the story.
by annaread | Mar 19, 2008 | Evangelization, News
The Daughters of Charity – Gaza blog, subtitled “Trying to help the poorest of the poor in Gaza” was updated last week with a number of pictures and a YouTube. There are photos and narrative about children and teachers returning to a nursery school...
by annaread | Mar 19, 2008 | Evangelization, News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Earlier in the week we mentioned the preschool project for homeless children sponsored by the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Eugene, Oregon USA. Now a television station has picked up the story, complete with video. See the coverage.
by annaread | Mar 13, 2008 | Evangelization, News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
A Seattle woman who has been a Society of Saint Vincent de Paul volunteer for more than half her lifetime recently described the satisfactions of the work and her apprehensions about the direction of the economy. Read the story.
by annaread | Mar 12, 2008 | Evangelization, News
Pope Benedict XVI has designated that a Cuban orphanage will receive the collection taken up on Holy Thursday, March 20. At La Edad de Oro in Havana, Daughters of Charity care for the handicapped. Read the story.
by annaread | Mar 11, 2008 | Evangelization, News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The world-wide celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul caused a newspaper in Johnstown, Pennsylvania USA, a town designated in 1992 as a “financially distressed municipality”, to take a look at the Society’s work...