Italy Asks UN To Ban Death Penalty

The Italian Government this week formally petitioned the United Nations Security Council to initiate a process for an international moratorium on the death penalty, just days after Church and political leaders here resoundingly condemned the execution of the former...

Support For Death Penaly Wanes

WASHINGTON (CNS) — As 2006 came to an end, capital punishment was making headlines for what it is not doing: overall declining use, waning support and recent challenges at the state levels about how it is conducted. Shifting public support for capital punishment...

Oscar Romero on the Meanng of Christmas

Christmas challenges us to discover the face of Christ in each brother or sister that we greet, in each friend whose hand we shake, in each beggar who ask for bread, in each worker who wants to exercise the right to join a union, in each farm workers who looks for...

A Threat Bigger Than Terrorism

L’Osservatore Romano, the official Vatican newspaper, carried an editorial which asserted that ecological crises pose “a bigger global threat than terrorism.”Just this week, the Vatican released Benedict XVI’s message for the World Day of...

Live Simply

Maureen Tinkler, DC writes… A new initiative is being launched this Advent by CAFOD in collaboration with PROGRESSIO (formerly CIIR) called THE LIVESIMPLY PROJECT. It is a good thing for the Vincentian Family to belong to and the Daughters of Charity have kindly...