Christian response to death of Bin Laden

America Magazine’s James Martin offer these thoughts in a longer article../ As someone who worked at Ground Zero in the days and weeks following 9/11 I rejoiced to hear that Osama Bin Laden’s long reign of terror, which had dealt death, destruction and untold...

John Paul II – Champion of the Poor

“For three decades, a central theme of his (John Paul II)  papal leadership was that the moral measure of our lives, nation and world is how we treat the poor and weak, the vulnerable and the voiceless.”  Thus concludes an artcle on the website of the US...

Giving someone in poverty a voice…literally

Have you ever used the phone? Now you can use it “report in” as the “voice of the poor” on the Internet. Just call a tool-free number, speak and then hang up. Voila! You have  created and posted a podcast. “But wait, there is...

Who lobbys for “the least among us?”

Has Poverty Disappeared From the National Dialogue at a time when48 million Americans now live in poverty. Reflecting on the what was not said in the recent State of the Union message a writer asks “Is it a window into a national culture that has become callous...

Who lobbys for "the least among us?"

Has Poverty Disappeared From the National Dialogue at a time when48 million Americans now live in poverty. Reflecting on the what was not said in the recent State of the Union message a writer asks “Is it a window into a national culture that has become callous...