by Beth | Jan 4, 2006 | Justice and Peace
The following dates are listed on the Education for Justice website for the month of January.JANUARY 2006 Poverty in America Awareness Month (CCHD) 1 New Year’s Day – World Day for Peace – Solemnity of Mary 2-8 National Migration Week (USCCB) 6 Epiphany 8... by Beth | Dec 29, 2005 | Justice and Peace
All eight New York dioceses are taking part in a multistep implementation plan for “Restoring the Covenant: A Pastoral Letter on Society’s Responsibility to the Poor and Vulnerable.” The New York state bishops released the letter last March and... by Beth | Dec 22, 2005 | Justice and Peace
Sister Therese Bangert, SCL, a chaplain for the Kansas City Kan., police and fire departments, has fought against the death penalty for years. This week, she drove to Washington D.C., to sit in on the U.S. Supreme Court as justices heard arguments on two death penalty... by Beth | Dec 21, 2005 | Justice and Peace
The Vincentian Family Coordinating Group commissioned a Task Force to explore the tempting offer of Dennis Holtschneider, CM to establish a National Center for the Visibility of the Poor at DePaul University in Chicago. The group is composed of 15 members from various... by Beth | Nov 22, 2005 | Justice and Peace
A SVDP letter from National President Joseph Flannigan was entered into the Congressional Record by Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts) on November 8. Representative Frank referred to the letter on the Housing Trust Fund in his address to the House of... by Beth | Nov 12, 2005 | Justice and Peace
Those groups within the Vincentian Family which have begun to focus on issues related to water may find this UNICEF video helpful in their advocacy and consciousness raising efforts.Video Two buckets of safe water a day is the minimum a child needs to live, yet 4000...