by Beth | Oct 20, 2005 | Justice and Peace
VERONA, Italy, OCT. 19, 2005 ( Material on the social doctrine of the Church is accessible online at the recently launched Web site of the Cardinal Van Thuân International Observatory. The site is at The aim of... by Beth | Oct 18, 2005 | Justice and Peace
They were nobodies. They were the poor, living on the margins of society. He lived an ascetic life somewhere in the desert of Palestine. He may have been one of the Essenes, a countercultural Jewish sect devoted to the Torah and to life lived in community. When he... by Beth | Oct 17, 2005 | Justice and Peace
As we approach the feast of All Saints perhaps some might find the following compilation of Saints who lives were noted for their concern for social justice.Among those included are Blessed Frederic Ozanam St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Martin de Porres 1579-1639 St.... by Beth | Oct 7, 2005 | Justice and Peace
Nutrition Advocates, among them, Bread for the World, Catholic Relief Services, and Network, have launched urgent pleas for your involvement to help secure and save valuable funding for several threatened nutrition programs funded at the Federal level.The Senate plans... by Beth | Sep 28, 2005 | Justice and Peace
U.S. Povety Fact Sheet (for Int’l Day for the Eradication of Poverty – Oct. 17) Death Penalty Litany (for Nat’l Weekend of Faith and Action on the Death Penalty – Oct. 21-23) The Death Penalty from a CST Perspective The United Nations fact... by Beth | Sep 17, 2005 | Justice and Peace
The largest U.S. foundations provide 11 percent of their grant dollars to support structural changes aiding those least well off economically, socially, and politically. According to “Social Justice Grantmaking: A Report on Foundation Trends” – the...