Campaign to Make Poverty History

A Campaign to Make Poverty History More than one billion people live on less than $1 a day with few opportunities to earn more. Each day over 8,500 people lose their lives as a result of AIDS. These realities are why Virgin Entertainment Group, North America, is...

Multi-lingual Resource for Human Trafficing Issues

Asia Foundation Launches New Multi-Lingual Web Portal dealing with issues related to the fact that every year thousands of people, primarily women and children, are trafficked within and across borders and forced to work in the sex industry, in sweat shops, and in...

Update on Australian Debate Led by SVDP

AUSTRALIA, June 25, 2005 ( Christopher Pearson, writing for The Australian today, attempts to throw light on the current debate following the recent issue of the Vincent de Paul Society’s Social Issues Paper The Reality of Income Inequality...

Australian Vinnies and Advocacy

The SVDP of Australia has been living into the statement of Brazilian Archbishop Helder Camara who once said: “When I give bread to the poor I am called a saint. But when I ask why they have no bread, I am called a communist.”… The sources for the...

Cardinal rallies Catholics to protest at G8 summit

Apparently undeterred by the controversy surrounding Bob Geldof’s call for a million people to descend on the G8 summit, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor is urging Catholics in England and Wales to mobilise and join him at the Make Poverty History rally in...