Do Catholics Still Care About Labor?

So reads the title of a recent article in AMerica Magazine. “when people think of issues on which the Catholic Church is providing leadership in society, labor is not the first that comes to mind.”While Catholics in general care about the low-wage workers,...

AIC Writes Open Letter to Burmese Authorities

Open letter to Burmese authorities issued an appeal on 19 May 2005 to put an end to violence towards the Burmese opponent Aung San Sun Sun Kyi. Open letter to Burmese authorities [22/08/2005] As Patricia de Nava demonstrated it recently, in her capacity as Doctor...

New Religion and Ecology Website

This site is a portal to the emerging dialogue within religious and spiritual communities on ecological issues. This dialogue shows great promise for sustaining biological and cultural diversity. In varied ways religions have been containers of symbolic language...

August 3 – Worldwide Foregiveness Day

The Worldwide Forgiveness Alliance is a a non-denominational organization, open to all religions, creeds and beliefs aiming to promote forgiveness as a way of creating a safer, more joyful and peaceful world.Along with many rich “forgiveness resources” the...

‘A Culture of Peace’ – John Paul II

The Culture of Peace – Study Examines Role of John Paul II ROME, JULY 23, 2005 ( A book published this year analyzes the contribution made by Pope John Paul II to the culture of peace. “Papal Diplomacy: John Paul II and the Culture of...