Index of 20 years of Vincentian Heritage Articles

The Vincentian Studies Institute has posted an index of the past twenty year of articles which have appeared in VIncentian Heritage. More than 200 hundred articles are listed first according to author and then according to Title. A very rich resource for what is...

20 Years of Vincentian Studies Institute

The First Twenty Years of the Vincentian Studies Institute of the United States (1979-1999) By Edward R. Udovic, C.M. The modern origin of the Vincentian Studies Institute can be found in the Second Vatican...

Website for Vincentian Missionary Formation in Philippines

St. Vincent School of Theology forming missionaries for Asia-Pacific and the world “The Vincentians in the Philippines, wanting to provide their own candidates with a specific academic-pastoral formation and desirous to contribute in the education of candidates...

Life of St. VIncent

Life of Vincent as it appears in the Saints for July of the Magnifcat site.

A Short History of the Sisters of Charity

Greater Emmistburg Historical Society presentation from the program marking the beatification of Elizabeth Ann Seton as found on the site of “The beatification of Elizabeth Ann Seton manifests one of the striking ways in which Divine Providence extends the...

Meeting of European Seminarians for CM

At the request of the Visitors of Europe and the Orient, the first Session for the Internal Seminarians of Europe was held at the Berceau from June 10-22. Six seminarians from Spain and three from Italy, accompanied by their directors, treated the theme: “Living...