Another reason to share good news: the snowball effect

Recently we mentioned the dental care initiative of the Rogue Valley District Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society. Someone else paid attention to local coverage of that story. After reading the newspaper report, a recently retired dentist has offered the...

Small scale fundraising model?

What if people from all walks of life could connect directly with public schools, learn about specific classroom needs, and choose how to help? That’s the simple foundation of What do you think about the model? Read about their story and...

Pass Along the Heritage (PATH)

The idea of the PATH (Pass Along The Heritage) programme came into being following an experience which staff and volunteers from the Daughters of Charity Services shared while on the Mission Moments course. This course was a response to a felt need to understand more...

For Sunday: “Watch and pray…”

In a reflection on the Gospel for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C Cycle), Ross Dizon explores how “a life of faith and trust in a personal and provident God” navigates safely away from laziness and its complementary vice, unbridled enthusiasm....