by John Freund, CM | Nov 18, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Hearing the cries of the poor, the call “go beyond what is already being done” (Inter Assembly Document). and the strong desire of the Sisters of improving the quality of service to them, the Provincial Council of Amazonia made the decision to create a new community...
by John Freund, CM | Nov 16, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
The Daughters of Charity photo gallery on their international website features an impressive gallery of photos of their various works around the world. Click on the following links to see where they are Rue du Bac, Europe, Africa, North America, Latin...
by John Freund, CM | Nov 13, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Lamenting the government’s inaction to their appeal, Sr. Herminia Sutarez of the Daughters of Charity who has been helping the Ati tribe’s fight for their ancestral land in Boracay said they feel ‘helpless’. CBCP News writes “She has been working with the Atis...
by John Freund, CM | Nov 8, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Amanda Kern writes that “one day, in junior year, the idea popped in my head “maybe I’ll become a nun”. The thought terrified me. But every day, walking those slate steps to and from classes, I passed a painted nun with a tender face that told...
by John Freund, CM | Nov 3, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
Amanda Kerns shares a secret in her latest Drink Deeply , My Daughter blog…. “Vincent de Paul became a priest to become rich”… “Throughout Vincent’s life, we see him constantly changing his heart to grow into the Vincent de Paul...
by John Freund, CM | Nov 2, 2012 | Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Family
From the editors of the Daughters of Charity website regarding recent update of their website We are glad to have your visit in this special month when we celebrate the Apparition of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to Saint Catherine Labouré! Celebrating the Year of...