Pope’s Lenten Message

The message of Benedict XVI for Lent, published today, follows in the path of the encyclical Deus Caritas Est to reflect about the how and why of God’s love for man and about the response of the creature to the Creator.Lent is a time of contemplation and reflection...

Jesus Neither Canonizes the Poor Nor Demonizes the Rich

Jesus does not simply canonize all the poor, the hungry, those who weep, and the persecuted, just as he does not simply demonize all the rich, the satiated, those who laugh and are praised. The distinction is deeper; it has to do with knowing what we put our trust in,...

John Allen's 10 Megatrends In Catholic Christianity

Christmas is a season of giving, and in a rather self-serving application of that spirit, this week I’m asking readers to give me something. Specifically, I’m asking for reactions to my list of the 10 most important “mega-trends” in Catholicism...

Pope's Urbe et Orbi Message

Here is the text of Pope Benedict XVI’s ‘Urbi et Orbi’ The Vatican’s official English-language translation of Pope Benedict XVI’s “Urbi et Orbi” Christmas Day address, delivered in Italian from the balcony in St. Peter’s...