by John Freund, CM | Mar 4, 2009 | Church, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
“Christ in the 3rd millennium,” abbreviated Xt3, offers a Lenten calendar which will include “daily readings, podcasts and music to give inspiration — and some laughter — during the 40 days of Lent.” Among the new podcasts - ...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 11, 2009 | Church
Liturgical Readings for Lent — Online Seminar from Catholic Distance University drawing on the spiritual riches of the Scripture readings that will be proclaimed on the Sundays in Lent. This three-week seminar runs February 23 – March 16 with online access...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 8, 2009 | Church
“For this year’s Lenten Message, I wish to focus my reflections especially on the value and meaning of fasting. … We might wonder what value and meaning there is for us Christians in depriving ourselves of something that in itself is good and useful...
by John Freund, CM | Feb 3, 2009 | Church
Archbishop Claudio Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, on the theme of “The Role of Mass Communications in Evangelization.” Â I would like to begin my talk this afternoon with two quotations from the recently deceased...
by Beth | Jan 25, 2009 | Church, Featured
The Vatican has made the news with its YouTube channel. One of his videos,”The Internet as New Way to Speak of God,” has already been viewed over 50,000 times in 48 hours.
by John Freund, CM | Jan 25, 2009 | Church, Missions inter gentes, News, Poverty: Analysis and Responses
Vincentian Jospeph Loftus CM reports on the good and the bad news of China. China is the world’s top Internet user. China supplants Germany as the world’s 3rd largest economy. But… Painful New Year for China’s Migrant Workers.