Using technology to deepen faith

Virtual retreat houses and monasteries – A video clip from  reports that he Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain put forth their own proposal for Lent. It’s a virtual monastery that offers ideas on what to give up during this season. In this...

Pope tweeting during Lent

So much for those calling on people to give up Facebook and Twitter for Lent… the Pope began daily postings in his name during Lent. According to the Global Christian Post “In a time of the year when many Christians are giving up the ubiquitous social...

The parable of the Kosher Deli

Bishop Lori offered this statement on behalf of the Bishop’s conference , Feb. 16, before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s hearing “For my testimony today, I would like to tell a story. Let’s call it The Parable of the Kosher Deli....