by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jun 17, 2013 | Reflections
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), June 23, 2013 – Zec 12, 10-11; 13, 1; Gal 3, 26-29; Lk 9, 18-24 When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am (Jn 8, 28) After raising to life a widow’s son, Jesus was acclaimed a great prophet. He was likewise...
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jun 10, 2013 | Reflections
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), June 16, 2013 – 2 Sam 12, 7-10. 13; Gal 2, 16. 19-21; Lk 7, 36 – 8, 3 Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us (Mt 6, 12) “It is not enough for me to love God, if my neighbor does not love him,” says St. Vincent...
by Ross Reyes Dizon | Jun 3, 2013 | Reflections
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C), June 9, 2013 – 1 Kgs 17, 17-24; Gal 1, 11-19; Lk 7, 11-17 A conference of some 4, 911 words, given by St. Vincent de Paul, is about chapter II, article 12, of the Common Rules of the C.M. (Coste XII, 260-276). Its topic is charity...
by Ross Reyes Dizon | May 31, 2013 | Reflections
In the midst of crisis The economic crisis is going to be long and difficult. We should not fool ourselves. We will not need to look elsewhere. In our more or less immediate surroundings, we will be running into families forced to live on charity, persons...
by Ross Reyes Dizon | May 27, 2013 | Reflections
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (C), June 2, 2013 – Gen 14, 18-20; 1 Cor 11, 23-26; Lk 9, 11b-17 Wanting to be alone by themselves after a mission of preaching and healing, Jesus goes with his apostles to Bethsaida. But what is proposed does not materialize;...