Remembering – Humble and Holy – Positive Fasting – God is love
Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast Tuesday November 11, 2014
Dear Vincentian Family: Tomorrow in Canada Remembrance is observed. We honour all those who protect us alive and deceased. Our Veterans gave of themselves unselfishly. We especially remember our two fallen military men who were taken from us last month and we honour the heroes who protected our politicians at our Parliament buildings. It seems more special this year because our two soldiers were killed on Canadian soil. A shock wave rolled across our country twice. One killed in Quebec and one in Ottawa. We pray for forgiveness for the enemy and for hearts to be healed and love and peace to prevail. The Legion in my city has placed over 3,000 white crosses in a park beside a major roadway honouring the fallen military men and women of Alberta. This year two new crosses honouring the newest victims in Eastern Canada. Pray for peace. Love one another. Always have peace in your hearts. Remembrance Day was first observed in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth. It was originally called “Armistice Day” to commemorate armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m.—on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
Humble and Holy – Humility is recognizing that God is in everything that’s good and holy. Humility includes being patient with ourselves and others. We need to pray daily for the grace to find humility. God can help us reach the goal of holiness. Yes we may have to start over and that is a gift. If you are fortunate enough to attend weekday Masses, you can turn everything over to Jesus in the Eucharist. During the Penitential Rite we call to mind our sins and ask for prayers from the Blessed Virgin, St. Vincent, St. Louise de Marillac, Blessed Frederic Ozanam and Blessed Rosalie Rendu. I also call on my deceased relatives and friends to pray for me. I love going to Sunday Mass as it is like a family time for me. However, daily Mass is very special, my husband, Tony and I sit together oblivious to our surroundings, intently listening to a wonderful homily and receiving the Eucharist. We then have coffee, lovingly called St. Michael’s coffee by our priest. He says it is the best in the west. We visit with our friends and visit the Blessed Sacrament chapel for quiet prayer. The Blessed Sacrament chapel is my sacred space and gives me spiritual energy.
Positive Fasting – Make your fast positive for others. Here are ten suggested things to help in your fast: 1. Pray for someone who has hurt you or your enemy. 2. Do a random act of kindness and be kind to others, especially the grumpy ones. They may be having a really bad day and you could make a difference. 3. Accept the things you can do and give those things giving you trouble to God. 4. Count your blessings, I think you will find many; and praise God. 5. Spend some quiet time today listening to God. Be still and you will know God better. 6. You have the light of Christ; share it with others through your smile and kindness. 7. Encourage others today. 8. Let go of anger and replace with joy. 9. Look for the love of Christ in others. 10. If you can, spend some time with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament and pray for the Vincentian Family.
God is Love – God loves us so much He sent his Son to be like us in every way but sin. Jesus taught us how to love. He gave us a healing touch and called us to be a servant to those in need. Every one of us has the ability to be a healing presence and provide spiritual companionship to someone who is dying or sick or imprisoned or homeless. To touch gently is to give hope—not the false hope of recovery where none may be possible, but the hope of a tangible presence of God in our lives. Remember the widow’s mite. She threw into the treasury of the temple only two small coins, but with them, all her great love…. It is, above all, the interior value of the gift that counts: the readiness to share everything, the readiness to give of oneself. —Pope John Paul II. We have the opportunity to show God’s love and let others know they are loved by God. People are truly under a huge weight of the tragedy of not feeling loved. God loves us all. Letting others feel this love is the greatest think we can do. It is between us and God, we do not get acclamation or rewards, we simply know we are doing God’s will and He is pleased.
Blessings, Lynn
Tags: Calgary, L'Heureux, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, SVDP