The more things change, the more they stay the same. The tone of the debates about the document, “The Church in Modern World”, during a two year discussion of the document that has shaped the church for 50 years, seems eerily reminiscent of the discussion of the Synod of Bishops.
Here, courtesy of Catholic News Services archives, is a list of posts from the debates fifty years ago when the Second Vatican Council discussed the era- shaping documents.
By way of historical perspective … After all the debates over a two year period it was approved by a vote of 2,307 to 75 of the bishops assembled at the council. It was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on 7 December 1965, the day the council ended.
- Interview: Cardinal Koenig Says 80 Percent “Fully Behind the Innovations” of the Council
- Summary of Introduction and First Chapter Of Schema on Church in Modern World
- Current Session to End Nov. 21; Effort to Sideline Draft on Church in Modern World Fails
- Text of Archbishop’s Remarks Denouncing Draft on Church in the Modern World
- Leading Prelate Denounces Draft on Church in Modern World, Seeks Major Delay
- Draft on Lay Apostolate Faces Difficult Rewrite
- Today’s Theme: How Should the Church Speak to the Modern World?
- Proposal on Church in the Modern World Advances
- More Debate on Eastern Churches; Council Approves Chapter on Church’s Nature, Wants Revisions on Priesthood Draft
- Father McManus Discusses Instruction on Liturgy
- Text of Instruction on the Liturgy to Implement Changes in Mass
- Ecumenism Schema Clarifies Church’s Stand
- More Criticism Than Praise for Proposition on Eastern Churches
- Lasting Impact in Revelation Document
- Council Fathers Wrestle With Proposals on Eastern Churches
Tags: CNS, Synod, Vatican II