When I saw the following quote on an Irish Catholic website I thought “so much for the dangers of associating with Catholic intellectuals and Nuns on the front lines of serving those who are poor”.
“He became involved with a group of liberal Catholic intellectuals – Emmanuel Bailly, historians Montalambert and Chateaubriand, the Romantic poet Lamartine and the Dominican preacher Lacordaire. This group along with a Daughter of Charity named Rosalie Rendu began the lay institute dedicated to caring for the physical and spiritual well-being of the poor. Frederick took his doctorate in law in 1836 and although his father died around this time, he went on to gain a doctorate in literature with a thesis on Dante’s philosophy.”
It gets worse with the same site headlining ..
Christian socialism
“With Lacordaire he started a journal expounding Christian socialist principles.”
Of course we all know and revere this man whom we now honor with the title of Blessed Frederic Ozanam and whose feast we celebrate September 9.
For more about this Catholic radical visit Ozanam:Pioneer and Prophet
For more resources on this extraordinary man visit the VinFormation section of FamVin. See also its resources on the sister who influenced him Rosalie who was born on the day we celebrate his feast.
Tags: Catholic social teaching and doctrine, Frederic Ozanam, Rosalie Rendu, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, SVDP