“Growing in Charity at St. Vincent’s Primary School” is a delightful intergenerational exchange between children ages 9-10 and some Daughters of Charity who continue St. Vincent’s work today. Note the interest and reverence of the children as the sisters respond to questions ranging from “Was it hard to become a sister?” to what they have learned from St. Vincent.
What is the true meaning of Christian charity? How can we grow in this charity in our everyday lives and relationships? These are the questions which the children of Year 5 at St. Vincent’s primary school in London explore in this short film.
Made with the help of Mrs. Dee Mansi, Fr. Richard Nesbitt, Sarah de Nordwall, Marcos Villaseñor, Carlotta Cardana, Dr. Katherine Vaughn, Ms. Sofia Tozzi, and the Daughters of Charity. This video was produced by Open Cinema and was shared with Famvin by Dee Mansi, President of the AIC -Ladies of Charity Great Britain.
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This is a beautiful video with children and Sisters sharing their ideas on St Vincent and what it means to pray, to give back, to have a vocation and to offer all you do to the Lord.