Join the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth’s Lay Mission Volunteer Program on a two week volunteer mission trip to work with the Sisters and children at Asha Kiran in Dharuhera, India.
What: Asha Kiran, a school operated by the SCNs for young girls who are orphaned, or who have been taken out of brothels and other hostile environments
When: Nov. 3-16, 2014
Where: Dharuhera, near Delhi, India
Why: To change lives in a cross-cultural partnership with the oppressed, economically poor and marginalized, primarily in the areas in which Sisters are called to mission
Cost: Approximately $2,000 including airfare, room and board
If you (or anyone you know of) are interested in joining the group, please contact Felicia Rowe at or (502) 348-1583 for more details.
Help us spread the word regarding this amazing, once in a lifetime service opportunity!
For more information visit
Source: scnvolunteer
Tags: India, Nazareth, SCN, Sisters of Charity, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth