Outfitting children for school

John Freund, CM
May 11, 2014

The Ontario Vincent dePaul Society models a strategy for equipping children for school.

The case:

In late August for the past two years we went to the homes of the families in need that we serve and gave the parent/s a $100.00 Walmart voucher for each of the school age children. A parent with three children going to school received $300.00 and so on.

The parents did not know they would be receiving this and at this point in time and this close to school they were at wits end to know what to do.

The Vincentians delivering these vouchers experienced everything from screams of joy to tears of gratitude from the receipients. Those parents went to bed that night very much relieved with this bit of stress out of their lives. They also realized that people in the community such as yourself do care.

For parents equipping their children for school is not an option. They must do it in the best way they can. If they don’t, their children go to school and, in many cases, are made fun of and bullied. The parents realize this and know they are limited as what they can do without the resources. Most of the families we serve can’t quite make ends meet each month and don’t have extra income.

We visit most of our families in need every few weeks to bring them food, food vouchers and bus tickets. We also bring them information on programs that will help them. We are asking you to support us this year by PARTICIPATING and/or DONATING.

The approach – Needathon in PDF


A brochure is attached. Please feel free to e-mail me at svdpbill@hotmail.com, or call 416-659-8713

Will you also send this on to your mailing list. All support, whether donations or participation will help.

Your support is appreciated.

Kindest Regards,



William Graham, President

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Peel North Particular Council
Tel: 289-232-3480 Cell 416-659-8713


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