Formation Friday: Vincentian Videos

Famvin Media Resources
April 10, 2014

Famvin-videoVinFormation has collected over 80 videos related to the Vincentian charism. The videos come from different branches of the Vincentian Family and the subject matter is diverse– here are a few samples: Catholic Social Teaching, Lent, Systemic Change, Feast Days, Saints, “Journey of Vincent”, “Mosaic Life of St. Louise”. For the full list, go to VinFormation: Resources Tagged “Video”.

How these videos can be used:

  • use for personal reflection/study
  • display on a large screen in a group setting
  • share them on Facebook
  • discuss at a gathering
  • use as study aids for youth or those new to the charism

Top Ten Videos on VinFormation

  1. Beatification of Daughters of Charity of the Spanish Civil War: October 13, 2013
  2. Worship – Song Based on Isaiah 58: 2-10
  3. Journey of Vincent
  4. Video for Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
  5. Beatification of Congregation of the Mission Priests and Brothers: Spanish Civil War
  6. Animated Short Story: Concept of Systemic Change
  7. Frederic Ozanam and the Origins of the SSVDP
  8. Ozanam – Panel Discussion
  9. Resources for Ozanam 200th Birthday Celebration
  10. Legacy

These playlists are also mobile-friendly; to view, scan the codes:

qrcode.21577979 qrcode.21578010

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