Saturday Study Hall - Change in depth

John Freund, CM
January 31, 2014

vincent-studyThe series “Saturday Study Hall” explores a topic in greater depth through the resources of the Vincentian Encyclopedia. (A counter-part, Formation Fridays, explores the more practical resources of VinFormation.)

Many will find it particularly interesting to re-read the 1999 presentation of Sr. Gertrude Foley, SC below describing the challenge to corporate conversion to systemic change and the blocks to this. Has there been any significant reduction in the blocks?

Systemic Change, an Introduction – Father Robert Maloney

Systemic Change and the Vincentian Family – early perspectives

1 Call to focus on systemic change
2 Day of Prayer 2007
3 Vincentian Prayer for systemic change
4 Systemic Change Vincentian Study Guides
5 Concept of Systemic Change
6 Systemic Change Resources

The Challenge to Corporate Conversion – Address to the Vincentian Convocation (Eastern Province) June 16, 1999 Gertrude Foley, SC

1 The Challenge of Corporate Conversion

2 Introduction

“I, like you, love to roam through the biographies of our founders to see if I might find something that will illuminate, if not the situation then at least my pondering. ..

“Let me turn now to the specific topic of corporate conversion, and tell you where we seem to be in this process. “”…

“I would like to do  is to invite you to examine with me what I think are some of the major obstacles to drawing the community into such a program of renewal.

3 Part I: Addressing the issue of corporate conversion
4 Part II: What blocks our efforts toward corporate conversion?

4.1 First block
4.2 Seconf block
4.3 Third block

Systemic Change: Seeds of Change – 

This 20-week series, offered by the members of the Commission for Promoting Systemic Change, describes strategies that are useful, often even essential, for bringing about such change.

Adopting as its starting point a group of projects in which systemic change has actually taken place, the Commission analyzed stories of leaders of successful projects. From these stories, the Commission sought to identify the strategies that helped produce lasting change. It soon became clear that many of the strategies that led to structural changes and transformed the circumstances of individuals and communities flowed from the Gospels and from our Vincentian tradition.

Seeds of Change Chapter 1: Introduction – Robert P. Maloney, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 2: From Handout to Hand up – Joseph P. Foley, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 3: Servant’s Attitude – Gene Smith, past president of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in the United States

Seeds of Change Chapter 4: Finding a Community Voice – Patricia Nava, past president of the AIC

Seeds of Change Chapter 5: a Holistic Vision – Norberto L. Carcellar, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 6: Start Modestly – Ellen Flynn, DC

Seeds of Change Chapter 7: Systematize, Institutionalize, Evaluate – Robert P. Maloney, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 8: Project Sustainability – Joseph P. Foley, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 9: Be Transparent – Gene Smith

Seeds of Change Chapter 10: Focus on the Poor as the Persons Who Are Most Capable of Changing Their Own Situation – Patricia Nava

Seeds of Change Chapter 11: Involve the Poor at All Stages – Norberto L. Carcellar, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 12: Educate, train, and offer spiritual formation to all participants in the project – Ellen Flynn, DC

Seeds of Change Chapter 13: Promote horizontal learning processes – Robert P. Maloney, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 14: Make Models That Work for the Community – Joseph P. Foley, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 15: Promote engagement – Gene Smith

Seeds of Change Chapter 16: Support and Respect Mechanisms for Promoting Solidarity – Patricia Nava

Seeds of Change Chapter 17: Promote Social Co-Responsibility and Networking – Norberto L. Carcellar, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 18: Construct a Shared Vision With Diverse Stakeholders – Ellen Flynn, DC

Seeds of Change Chapter 19: Struggle to Transform Unjust Situations – Robert P. Maloney, CM

Seeds of Change Chapter 20: Have a Prophetic Attitude – Joseph P. Foley, CM

Although it will not always be that a topic from Formation Friday will be followed by Study Hall Saturday post going into greater depth it seemed natural this week to explore the riches of the same topic via the Vincentian Online Encyclopedia or Reference Library  

 “Going with God’s Flow: Our Response to Change,” Daughters of Charity Visioning for the Mission Gathering, Buffalo, NY, July 27, 2007

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