Incarnation, Love, Rescue

John Freund, CM
December 23, 2013

lynn Incarnation Celebrate Christ’s Birth – Love -Rescue the lost sheep. – Themes for Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – December 24, 2013

Dear Vincentian Family:  May your Christmas be filled with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love and may you always know and feel the greatest gift from God, His Son.  Each one of you is in my prayers and I lift you to our Lord for His great love and blessings for you.  To you, and your families, Christmas Blessings.  Lynn

 Incarnation:  God becomes man.  “And the Word becomes flesh and made His dwelling among us.” (John 1:14)

In the words of a child when asked why we celebrate Christmas.  “It means God sent his Son to be like us and make us better.  So he was born poor, so we can love the poor more and be nice to them.” (Kim 5 years old)

Let us celebrate this great gift in prayer and thanksgivingWe live in hope for the dwelling place in heaven.  Our good deeds and our loving actions reveal God’s presence.  Share your hope with all and give hope to those losing it; pray for Peace in ourselves and the world; give Joy to those around us, remember joy is Jesus – Others – and You; finally receive and accept the love and share it with others.  Merry Christmas!

Love – The wait is over, our last Advent candle is lit and we celebrate the love poured out for us.  It is a great comfort to know we are loved no matter what.  God loves us beyond anything human.  We can bring the love with us on every visit, but first give it to our families and friends and our enemies.  Love is the most powerful of gifts, share the gift.

Rescue the Lost Sheep – One lamb at a time.  We learn a great deal from the Saints of our Vincentian family.  Their words guide us and teach us as we continue to serve.  We are called and we go wherever we are lead.  We have much help in giving to others.  As you know, one of the best places to learn and receive inspiration is from and I would include in this Fr.Ronald Ramson’s book on Frederic Ozanam “Hosanna”, or his other books on prayer.  We have so much guidance.

The 12 days of Christmas start tomorrow.  I found this video to help you celebrate the real meaning of this beautiful Christmas Carol.  The joy of our Faith is Christmas is not over Boxing Day, it continues.

12 Days of Christmas Our Father Gave To Us – Video – Catholic Online 

Have yourself a very Merry Christmas and share your gifts of hope, peace, joy and love with all.  Belated birthday wishes to Pope Francis.  Pray for our clergy and religious and all Spiritual Advisors and each other.



Lynn  L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada

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