VMY Bulletin Dec. 2013

John Freund, CM
December 22, 2013

VMY bulletin Dec 2013The December issues of the Vincentian Marian Youth Bulletin is online.

An excerpt… “During this Christmas season let us be mindful of the fact that each time that we share hugs and kiss and smiles, each time that we say Merry Christmas or other such phrases that express our hope for another person, we are at the same time desiring that Jesus, present in our brothers and sisters, should have a happy birthday. Therefore, when we say these words they should be a heartfelt expression and not simply words that we utter mindlessly. Indeed, they should not simply be an expression of our desires for this person for one day of the year, but should be an expression of our desire that said persons will experience that happiness during the whole year. ”

Among other pieces of news…

Father Irving Gabriel Amaro Ramayo, CM, a member of the Province of Mexico, has been appointed to the position of International Sub-Director of the VMY.

Father Irving Amaro, CM was born in Mexico in 1969 and entered the Congregation on July 28, 1986 and was ordained a priest on January 25, 1997. He was involved in parish ministry and also in formation ministry at the seminary of the Congregation of the Mission. He has participated in the activities of various branches of the Vincentian Family in Mexico, especially with the member of the VMY and the AIC. In addition, Fr. Irving will coordinate the work of the International Secretariat of the VMY which is located in Madrid.

Father Gregory Gay has pointed out the following: “I am very thankful to Father Irving for his generosity in accepting this appointment. I believe that his experience in Mexico, ministering with the young men and women in the VMY will be a great advantage in this ministry as International Sub-Director of the VMY.

VMY Bulletin 12-2013 ENG (PDF)


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