LCUSA - 4th Sunday Advent Reflections

John Freund, CM
December 21, 2013

lcusa-logoSister Rachela Silvestri, DC offers the following reflecting for the LCUSA for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

God has given us a sign: the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel which means God is with us.
Those that seek Him shall receive a blessing from the Lord.
We are called to be holy and we have received the grace of apostleship despite the fact we may be fearful as Joseph was.
We, too, “follow the Lord’s command” and remember always that “God is with us”!
We, like Mary, are called to bear the beams of God’s love into the world especially to those who are in need.
Visit the LCUSA site for the readings and a suggestion for a practical next step.

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