Charity Federation Lifelines Dec. 2013

John Freund, CM
December 21, 2013

Halifax logoThe Sisters of Charity of Halifax provides a monthly roundup of activities of the Federation. The December issue of Charity Federation Lifelines is now online.

Some of the contents…

  • Collaborating-Collective Influence
  • Daughters of Charity Western Province
  • Sisters of Charity of Saint John, NB
  • Sisters of Charity Convent Station
  • Sisters of Charity Leavenworth
  • Sisters of Charity Halifax

Look Who’s On Facebook!

For people of this next generation Facebook is the place to share what’s going on. If you have joined Facebook and are interested in seeing what’s going on in other Federation Congregations, you can click “like” on their Facebook page. Then the information posted by them comes into your newsfeed.  You don’t have to go looking for the Federation news. It comes to you!!

Some recent postings of just some of our Federation friends online:

  • Sisters of Charity, New York-Sisters selling crafts to raise money to support the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center
  • Sisters of Charity, Cincinnati-There is a Virtual Advent Tree,  a story about Sister Juana Mendez, a mother of three,  now ministers to immigrants in Kentucky.
  • Sisters of Charity, Green Hill-a recent posting that lets you know  about the statements on Climate Change and Immigration Reform that have been agreed to by the Justice and Peace Collaborators in the Vincentian Family.
  • Sisters of St. Martha– Development and Peace Initiative for Human Rights Day, December 10th  and Nelson Mandela, speaking to 45,000 Canadian Children gathered in Toronto’s Skydome in 1998.

Grassroots Happenings

Federation  Connections Committee – The Sisters of Charity of Convent Station have invited sisters and associates in the metro New York area to the annual Elizabeth Seton Celebration on – January 4. It will be followed by a light brunch. Responses due by Dec. 18th.

Justice and Peace People – Fr. Terry Moran, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation co-ordinator of the Sisters of Saint Elizabeth has issued an invite to folks in the metro NY area who are working on justice issues to come together after Elizabeth Seton Celebration and Brunch at Convent Station to meet with his committee. The invitation has been extended to all Federation members in the area who are involved peace, justice and sustainable living.

Save the Date – Federation Grassroots Gathering-On March 29, 2014-a gathering is planned for Sisters, Associates and Friends on the topic of the New Cosmology. S. Diane Collesano is the presenter. Her topic will be: On Earth As It Is In Heaven: Charity Unfolding in the Cosmos.

Save the Date – SCNY is hosting Nancy Sylvester who is an internationally known writer and speaker, at Mary the Queen, on April 12, 2014. The topics she speaks on: From Personal to Group Consciousness and Personal and Social Transformation. For more information contact, Carol DeAngelo.

Information gathering for Lifelines is ongoing. Send any “good news”from our Federation Family




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