80 years a Daughter - Sr. Hilda Gleason

John Freund, CM
December 17, 2013

“Hearts rejoice in Sr. Hilda Gleason’s 80 years vocation as a Daughter of Charity.

Hilda GLeason 1Sister Hilda Gleason celebrated her 80th anniversary as a Daughter of Charity in October at Villa St. Michael, Emmitsburg, MD.  Many of us remember Sister Hilda as president of St. Joseph’s College in the Valley where we earned our first degrees, or as Councilor in the newly formed Albany Province. Her lifetime of dedication to God and the Poor span 80 years and move us profoundly as we contemplate the length and strength of her vocation. How many acts of love and service!  How many hours of sacrifice and self- giving! How many tasks accomplished in humility, simplicity, and charity? How many moments of prayer and silence? They number beyond our ability to imagine, grasp, or comprehend. In God all things are NOW! We turn to Sister Hilda with love and gratitude, profound respect, great joy and happiness with her and for her. We give thanks to Thee, Blessed Lord, with hearts full of praise!

Material from Affinities  courtesy of Theresa Mancuso.

HIlda Gleason 3




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  1. antolina

    I would like to send my Warmest congratulations to dear Sr. Hilda Gleason on her 80th year of Vocation as a D.C.; I met her as our General Counsel on her visit to India and I was impressed by her simplicity and great capacity to live with us our own simple and poor way. I do remember her very much though it was a long time back; I was at that time in the Provincial House of Berhampur.
    Sr. Antolina Martinez de Maranon.

  2. marguerite broderick

    I remember Sr Hilda 50 years ago and full of energy and kindness. Congratulations!!!!

  3. Sister Jean Ann Wesselman, DC

    Awesome! I thank God for Sr. Hilda’s life and goodness and generosity! Blessings on her, her Daughter of Charity Community, her family, friends, and those served! And those who minister to her. Sister Jean Ann Wesselman, DC, Austin, Texas