10 phrases of Pope Francis that have changed the world

John Freund, CM
December 14, 2013

romereportsRome Reports has an interesting insight  into 10 phrases that have changed the conversation….
View this video collage and reflect on the words you most remember.. and share.
In just nine months the Pope’s words have inspired millions of people. In fact, his very first words as Pontiff left everyone at St. Peter’s Square completely speechless.
And speaking about words, ever since that night some of his expressions have become all too familiar.
March 13 “Now I ask you a favor. Before the bishop blesses his people, I ask that all of you pray to the Lord so that He blesses me.”
Even Sundays aren’t the same if Pope Francis doesn’t end his prayer of the Angelus with a unique yet endearing remark.
March 17 “Have a good Sunday, and a good lunch!”
But one thing is clear from the beginning. He isn’t a fan of written speeches. An example was seen during his meeting with journalists after the Conclave when he made this request.
March 16 “How I would like a Church that is poor and for the poor!”
A Church made out of shepherds close to their sheep. That is one of the ideas Pope Francis always tries to communicate. He said so during the Chrism Mass during the Holy Week.
March 28 “This is what I ask of you. Be shepherds with the ‘smell of the sheep.’”
Also thanks to his speeches and homilies, Christians now know that a city’s outskirts aren’t as far as they seem.
March 27 “To live out Holy Week according to Jesus means that we have to learn to go out of ourselves to encounter others, to go to the ‘outskirts’ of existence.”
And in Rio he even made a very direct appeal to every youth not just to talk but to rise up and ‘take action’.
July 25 “But I also want to stand up and take action in your dioceses, I want you to go beyond your comfort zone. I want the Church to go out to the street.”
From the very start, he has made clear that the key points of his message to the world are kindness and mercy.
March 17 “God understands us, He waits for us. He doesn’t get tired of forgiving us. If we repent and go to him with a truly open heart.”
July 7 “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. The Lord is the Lord of consolation, the Lord of tenderness.”
God never grows tired of forgiving, but the Pope also added that a Christian cannot lead a double life.
November 11 “And we must acknowledge ourselves as sinners. Yes, everyone here, we all are. But not corrupt.”
The Pope has also asked families to always be forgiving in spite of the fights and the difficulties. Even when things start flying up in the air.
October 4 “To newlyweds, I always give this advice: Argue as much as you want, if the plates start flying, so be it. But never let the day end without making peace. Never!”
Not all revolutionary phrases are included, but those that are, have surely left a mark. Many of the Pope’s words will be remembered for their impact, and many others for their novelty. But one thing is clear. They did not go unnoticed.
Which phrse do you think it post powerful?

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