Praying in Thin Places

John Freund, CM
November 10, 2013

DC Peace and JusticeIn her Spirit of the Daughters of Charity ” blog Sr. Denise LaRock shares some of quotes that impacted her from a recent presentation by Fr. Patrick Griffin, the Director General of the Daughters of Charity. As she puts is “think of him as the spiritual director for the worldwide community.”

In the presentation he spoke of how the “Scottish and Irish mystics sometimes describe a holy place as a “thin place”, “a transparent place where God comes very close.”  The excerpts below touch on prayer in those “thin places.”  May you take time to ponder them in a prayerful quiet.
“We often draw closer to God through someone else, perhaps it is a child or a genuinely good person or someone who is caught up in a critical situation or someone who is poor.  In these thin places, we can sense our undivided heart…” p.171

“Each place where we encounter God is made holy by God’s presence.” P.173
“Places where we find God present in the midst of His people are holy and elicit from us a response of reverence and respect-removing our shoes, speaking with humility, allowing ourselves to be taught.  Holy ground is the place where we open ourselves to God’s presence, and allow God to touch our lives, and hear the call to more faithful discipleship.” P.173
“Our prayer should also begin by asking ourselves whom we are looking for.” P.175
“The Lord calls us by name and shows us the obligations that follow on from that call.  If we respond with undivided hearts which allow the Lord to be Lord we will engage in genuine conversation which is prayer.” P.175

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1 Comment

  1. marguerite broderick dc

    Thanks to Sr Denise for calling attention to these points about the “thin places”..