Ladies of Charity - New Strategic Plan

John Freund, CM
October 31, 2013

lcusa-logoNew Strategic Plan Developed

During its spring meeting in April, the LCUSA Board of Directors, aided by facilitator Karen DeHais, worked through a multi-step process to develop a new strategic plan which will provide a framework for activities over the next five years. The board had been working under a previous plan put in place in 2006.

The five strategic goals are (the numbering is arbitrary, not in order of importance):

Goal One: Develop a process that will deepen spirituality for members.

Goal Two: Increase communication and visibility of Ladies of Charity locally, nationally and internationally.

Goal Three: Increase membership through personal invitation and strategic use of social media.

Goal Four: Grow and diversify funding for the Ladies of Charity, nationally and locally and sustain fiscal responsibility.

Goal Five: Engage the national board and membership in advocacy, especially on behalf of women and children living in poverty.

The five goals established in the plan and a series of associated objectives were presented at the recently completed national assembly, and members had the opportunity to provide their input during a series of five round table discussions. Members of each goal committee were divided among three tables, and those present at the assembly were able to choose a table for a 12 minute discussion and then move on. Discussion topics were: A) Do you think the strategic priorities goal is complete? What would you add or change? B) What activities would you suggest the board prioritize to reach this goal in 3-5 years? C) How can the local associations contribute?

Local association presidents will have a chance to comment on the strategic goals. Their participation is important and meaningful to LCUSA’s future. Look for this mailing in the near future.

Published on October 30, 2013 by  in News

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