"Take-away" from VFG Indianapolis

John Freund, CM
October 28, 2013

flash drive“The take-away” had a very practical meaning for each of the more than 150 the participants at the recent Vincentian Family Gathering. At the conclusion they received a FlashDrive  loaded with material for planning  regional systemic change meetings.
In effect they received a “workshop on a thumb drive”!
The drive contains resources for the following aspects of setting up a workshop  on the dynamics of Systemic Change.
  • Planning Your Vinfam Training Session
  • Presentations
  • Video
  • Documents and Handouts

In presenting the “Take-away” Sr. CJWillie stressed there was no one way to run such a meeting.

The purpose was to create opportunities for regional gatherings for the purpose of education, networking, and ultimately collaboration on system change projects.
Conveners could be any member of the Vincentian Family who seeks to advance the systemic change methodology of ending poverty and transforming the lives of persons living in poverty.
This person can be selected by leadership; be identified by the VFC because of interests and talents; or self-identify with approbation of leadership.
A region can be defined by the convener. It can be a town, a city, a natural extension of a locality because of ease of transportation or because it will allow for at least two, three or more branches of the family to gather. It could focus within a ministry.
The drive is available to all for $9.00 by emailing
or writing to
Society of St. Vincent dePaul
58 Progress Parkway
St. Louis, MO 63043


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