Who is That Man, Jesus?

John Freund, CM
October 15, 2013

lynnIn this week’s reflection Lynn L’Heureux writes  Who is That Man, Jesus?  – Reaching Out – Be Not Afraid! – Surrender

Dear Vincentian Family:  Embrace your day of prayer and be present to others always.  I pray for each of you today. We are not alone.  ‘Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, bless the needs of so many who are struggling with finances and keep us at peace.  Help us to love one another, the Vincentian family and my natural family, my home, my friends and all those you place before me to love and serve more, in Jesus’ name. Amen.’

Who is that man, Jesus?  Have you ever been asked?  Most of us find it a very odd question.  Last Sunday a priest at the mission church in BC told a story of when he was a young seminarian and was asked that question.  His first thought was the man was joking, but he soon took it seriously and began to evangelize.  I had a similar experience over 20 years ago.  My husband, Tony and I took in a very young battered girl to live with us.  We explained our Christian ways, prayer before meals and blessings.  She was sitting with me at the table and looked up to the crucifix.  She said, “Who is that man?”  I was taken aback.  I told her it was Jesus our Saviour.  She was so confused and asked, “Why is he on a cross? I’ve only seen him as a baby in a stable at Christmas?”  The journey began for us.  This girl had many problems, but she fell deeply in love with Jesus.  He became her escape.  She lived a life of torment, but I believe she always turned to Jesus and truly accepted God as a loving Father.  Her children were raised to love God and always seek forgiveness.  One thing that resounded with her was that God always forgives and never stops loving.  She lived with us for about a year or more.  We still see her occasionally, but see her children more and their love of God is heart warming to me, a true gift of His Grace and love for us.

Reaching Out – The priest at the mission continued his homily by challenging us to reach out.  He gave statistics in Canada and the US of how many people are not living their faith.  Tony and I reflected on this on the way home, with the numbert of people we know who have dropped their faith.  God asks us to reach out to others each day, in fact He demands it.  Today, stop for a moment and try to see one person you can reach and bring back to Him.  We can’t hide our Faith; we must live it with gentleness and love and let others see it.  A friend recently lost his Father.  I knew he wanted nothing to do with God.  He claims it is a hoax.  We offered our condolences to him as he reflected on his dad’s last moments and the funeral.  His dad had chosen beautiful things and they all took place, especially the singing of Amazing Grace.  Tony told him his father was looking down on the event.  He was quick to say, “No way!” however, he did listen and shared that his dad saw the angels coming to take him.  I told him his dad would continue to guide him.  He did not argue with me, he just smiled.  Now it is time to pray.  We can all reach out to others as God reaches out to us.

Be Not Afraid – I know I am not the only one who loves this.  Some things are a little scary, and more so if we do them without God.  Adoration, prayer and fasting will help us work through our fears, uncertainties and inefficiencies.  We call on the Holy Spirit to be with us and the road is smooth.  All success belongs to the Trinity as we are led to complete the difficult tasks.  We become grounded in our faith.  Not the book learning faith, but the lived faith.  We must live the faith that calls us to serve and leads us to some of the darkest places bringing the brightest light of faith.  If we are led to evangelize, it is about Jesus and living our faith more fully and we cannot be afraid because God is always with us.

Surrender – God is out there and He is a very good guide and parent.  Use His presence to surrender yourself to His will.  He never leaves us even when we fail to pray, or make mistakes.  Surrender to His love and His will.  As our loving Father He understands our pitfalls and mistakes.  He is always there as our loving Father.  He helps us to start over and He is there when we need to help others.  Surrender to Him and do His will.  Do not look for an alternative solution.  Surrender now and feel the love.  What brings you joy?  Is it money, fame, success and getting more things?  We seem to be blasted with always wanting more.  The secret to having joy, is surrendering now to God.  Actually this is the kind of surrender that makes you a winner and as a winner, you get to help others become a winner.  Surrender now!

Have a great week.  Enjoy all our Lord places before you and challenge yourself to go one step further.  Take a look at www.famvin.org/enIf we are the heirs of Christ, let us abide in the peace of Christ; if we are the sons of God, let us be lovers of peace.” – Saint Cyprian of Carthage (190-258).  Please pray for courage for all those who lack hope.  Lord, please give me courage to love you. Give me courage to serve you. Give me courage to tell others about you. Give me courage to grow closer to you. Give me courage to pick up my cross each day as you picked up yours. Remove from me all fear so that you can put me to work for your kingdom. Amen. Please add a prayer for our Spanish translator, Jess.



Lynn  L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada

Subscribe to her weekly newsletter  Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast (English and Spanish) by sending an email to calgaryssvpadm@gmail.com

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