The Good Life - Eye of the Needle

John Freund, CM
October 9, 2013

lynnIn her weekly column for the Vincent dePaul Society in Calgary Lynn L’Heureux writes of … More Than one Way – Living the Good Life – Getting through that needle – Going the Extra Mile

More Than One Way – I am sorry this was missed last week and so I add it today.  There are always many ways to achieve our goal.  Sometimes the other ways get in the way.  We have to make our decisions with prayer of course, but we also have to listen to the answer to our prayers.  We need to find the right way and it may not be our way. Loneliness is the dreaded modern disease.  We see it in others and even in ourselves.  God is our healer and we try to heal those in need for Him, but ultimately He is the healer and we must find the right way.  We visit and spend the time with those He places before us and we look for a better way.  We can call it systemic change or doing things a different way.  We try to be virtuous and it is the best life.  We were made for this.  It is the good life and we try to lead others to this good life.  The way is different for each person and that is why we must get to know them.  We truly must be the change we wish to see in this world and to accomplish this we must search all the ways and know God’s way is the true way.

Living the Good Life – There are heroes around us, living each day in the grace of God and living with the fortitude to love others as they are.  They have walked before us, knocking on doors, bringing soup, candles and coal.  They have set the pace visiting the prisoners, healing the sick and listening to someone who has lost hope.  Living the good life is not having all the toys and trappings of the world; it is becoming a hero to someone.  It is living your faith and standing up for justice , even when the entire world chooses to sit down.  Living the good life is stepping out of your comfort zone, not for your good, but for the good of one who is an outcast to others. We need the compassion of Christ as we serve Him.  We need to help those we serve, the broken Christ and allow them the space they need to grow in this crowded world of hurry and rush.  We need to find space for us and our soul to grow and live the good life, with and for others.

Getting Through the Needle – These readings of having wealth and heaven too are sometimes daunting.  “There’s a very positive relationship between people’s ability to accomplish any task and the time they’re willing to spend on it.” – Joyce Brothers.  So many people cringe when we approach them and they silently pray, just let me write a cheque, don’t ask me to help.  We need to be obedient to God’s calling if we want to make it through the needle.  We must be obedient to our calling.  Jesus was obedient.  He prayed often in His suffering and we must learn this lesson and receive the gift openly if it is your calling.  God calls all of us, rich and poor to Him.  Each one is called for a specific role, answering the call is the answer.  One thing we say often is, “The first letter of SSVP is not a dollar sign”.  We pray, listen and serve with passion because we are serving Christ.  This is the way though the eye of the needle and eternal life.  Say “YES”.

Going the Extra Mile – “Lord I am unworthy of your kingdom because I’ve only done what is expected of me.” (Luke 17:10)  We do our job, but we must also be prepared to just go a little further.  There is a difference doing what is required out of mere obedience; however the Kingdom is closer when we volunteer to go the extra mile because we love and we care.  There is no glory or search for praise.  It is done because we care and love, and do not need recognition or reward.  Mary our Mother went the extra mile.  Her name means star of the sea and she was a star to many.  If you think you are suffering in this world of storm and tempest, keep your eyes fixed on the glowing star, Mary. And she will save you from all storms.  If you fall 100 times, rise up 101 times.  Every action in the name of our Lord touches a chord that vibrates in eternity.  We need to be motivated by heavenly goals of pure love and service with joy.  Think of God as an artist.  He did not rest until the seventh day.  His canvas is perfect and each brush stroke has a purpose.  The beauty never ends.  Give thanks for this day and all days and never tire of the beautiful creation of this world and the creation of what is very good, YOU.  Give thanks to God.



Lynn  L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada

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